I went with my younger sister to her audition for a local adult choir yesterday. My older sister and I had briefly prepared a SSA piece with her to help showcase her ability to sing against harmonies. I think it went well, and now I need to seriously think about my audition in August. My older sister has been part of this choir for a little while now, and my sister-in-law joined last year too. It would not only be a fun thing to be a part of, considering the family involvement, but I so badly want to be in a choir again. I love singing, but I love singing in a full bodied choir even more! Here's hoping I haven't gotten too rusty and raspy that I won't be good enough to make it.
After the audition, I got to play some intense family volleyball. We play every Monday evening and it's a great way to stay connected to family and enjoy a sport I love. The heat has broken finally so it was fairly beautiful weather to play in last night.
This morning welcomed an opportunity to visit the farm and help my mom pick black raspberries. The crop is pretty dismal compared to other years, but I got almost a pint to take home. Black raspberries grown naturally and picked fresh compare to very few other fruits... the purplish stains left on my fingers are reminiscent of some very enjoyable experiences as a child.
I enjoy reminiscing about childhood. This is perhaps part of what makes hanging out with my family so fun - the inside jokes, stories, and memories shared with a tight-knit group of siblings can't ever be replaced or mimicked by another group of people.
Without even realizing it, I have written an entire post in regards to family! I could have gone back and edited this posting now that I know what my topic is; you know, the way you're taught to organize an essay with an intro, thesis, preview of main points, etc. There's something beautifully organic, though, in simply writing and recounting the events of the day only to stumble on one of my passions! I feel incredibly blessed to have the family I do. I feel even more blessed that this core value of mine is being honored and lived out each and every day of my life. I know far too many people that respond, when asked what they would do if they found out they had 6 more months to live, that they would spend more time with family/friends.
What's stopping them from doing that already?
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