Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Unfinished Business

I had an awful dream last night, well, rather early this morning. It felt so real that it stuck with me all morning and caused me to weep uncontrollably. I dreamed that I'd been executed for some reason - beheaded, to be precise. I remember feeling very calm and feeling very little pain during the actual experience, but I remained as a ghost for the rest of the dream. I walked around as my 26 year old self, talking to a few close friends who could still see me, and wallowing in painful memories of things I'd dreamed of and never done: like experience pregnancy and motherhood, travel to certain places, change the world... I was told by someone in the dream that I obviously had unfinished business since I was still here as a ghost.

I thought about unfinished business. I thought about loose ends in my life. I try very hard to live a life of purpose, with few or no regrets, and yet I still have things that drag on. We all have unfinished business.

Closing doors is really hard for me. Letting go and moving forward is not something that comes naturally to me. I am reminded during this holiday season that when I focus on gratitude and hope, letting go is a bit easier. When I am thankful for memories and past experiences, and I turn to the future with an energy of hope, then unfinished business becomes just business as usual.


  1. I've been using this website for years when I am doing dream interpretation. It's always been very accurate for me. http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamdictionary/

  2. Thanks Denise! I have used that online dictionary before and found it very helpful. I also had the wonderful opportunity to work with a Jungian Dream analyst at a retreat center a year ago, and she told me that interpreting dreams is more about the emotions you experience during the dream. The strongest ones are the feelings you should be exploring. Symbols are also important, but she seemed to think that the emotion is what our subconscious is trying to express.
