Thursday, February 14, 2013

Guest Post from "Lost in Your Care"

I'm happy to share a guest blog today on an important holiday of love. Whether you love it or hate it, Valentine's Day is about showing love. Donniel Robinson, author of Lost in Your Care blog, shares some wonderful insights on showing love, especially to YOURSELF!

Valentine's Day, it’s one of our favorite Hallmark holidays. It’s a day dedicated to love and kindness. Couples will ramp up the romance, kids will send loving gestures to friends, and parents will hand out extra hugs.

But what will you do to show yourself love?

This year use Valentine's Day as a reminder to focus on loving yourself too.

“Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin, as self-neglecting.”
William Shakespeare

Take Care of Your Body
“When you respect yourself, you respect your body, which has a domino effect on every other area of your life.” Treating your body well with good food, smart exercise, and lots of sleep is the holy trinity of self-care.

Take time to focus on what you are putting in your mouth. Nutrition is the cornerstone of health. Skip the junk and make an effort to eat fresh, healthy food everyday. Follow good meals with some activity. Exercise can be as simple as going for a walk or doing some stretching.

You love others by taking care of them, so give yourself the same respect.

After you’ve refueled and made time for some movement, sleep… sleep a little more… and then take a nap. Sleep is what allows your body to recover from the demands of the day. Most adults need seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

You only get one body and maintenance is much easier than repair.

There is nothing more tragic than someone who has forgotten how to dream about the future. We often get overly focused on the here and now. Hyper-focusing on the daily tasks of life can be a mistake.

Take some time away from the dishes and the laundry to simply daydream. Our own potential is what gives us a zest for life. Plan a garden, make fitness goals, or start making an outline for that book your going to write.

Life should be filled with joy. Dream and dream big.

“If you aren't good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you'll resent the time and energy you give another person that you aren't even giving to yourself.”
Barbara De Angelis

Treat Yourself
There is no reason to wait for someone else to buy you a beautiful bouquet and a sweet treat. Check out the bargain buckets in your local grocery store. Bouquets can cost as little as $1.99 and last for up to two-weeks. Winter is the best time to have a fresh bunch of flowers sitting on your kitchen table.

Since you’re in the store anyway, you may as well pick up some dark chocolate. It contains cell-protecting antioxidants and causes the release of the “…natural feel-good chemicals called endorphins…” But who really needs a reason, it tastes great!

Whisper Sweet Nothings
Say nice thing to yourself. If another person said nasty things to you all the time, how long would you stick around? Not long. But most of us have the bad habit of saying horrible things to ourselves on a regular basis. Stop the negative self-talk and instead start looking for loving things to say to, and about yourself.

Think of at least three things that you love about yourself. As extra reinforcement, write your sweet nothings down on pieces of paper and post them around your house. Make a game out of it. You could even write a full-blown love letter to yourself and stick it in the mail. Whatever you do, make it a priority to say loving things to yourself.

Seek joy and love yourself. Happy Valentine's Day.

“10 Simple Acts Of Radical Self-Care” By Polly Noble, February 6, 2013
“Chocolate and Your Brain: The Feel Good Factor”

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